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发布日期:2024-10-25 05:55    点击次数:132

  编者按:山东是经济大省九玩游戏中心官网,产业体系完备。在当下民众化的波浪中,山东长久锚定高质地发展,不断鼓舞传统产业提档升级、新兴产业集群发展、夙昔产业前瞻布局。海报新闻荒芜策动多语种专栏《Qilu Style》,向世界阐发山东高质地发展的故事。


  The 2024 Ocean Cooperation and Development Forum is set to take place in Qingdao from Oct 24 to 25, under the theme “From Azure to Future - Creating a Healthy and Prosperous Ocean, Fostering a Sustainable Future“. It will provide a significant boost to the development of the marine economy in Shandong.


  Shandong is increasing its investment in marine engineering equipment research and development. The high-end manufacturing sector is achieving new breakthroughs, with the ocean-going shipbuilding segment expanding and marine oil and gas equipment manufacturing experiencing rapid growth. These Mega Projects, manufactured in Shandong, have provided significant momentum for the marine economy's development.


  The Bluewhale I is recognized as the world's most advanced ultra-deepwater semi-submersible drilling rig, capable of operating in all global water areas. It can function at an operational depth of up to 3,658 meters and drill to a depth of 15,240 meters. On May 18, 2017, the Bluewhale I successfully conducted a trial extraction of flammable ice in the South China Sea, marking the first successful trial extraction of flammable ice in the world's marine areas for both China and the global community.


  The Shenhai Yihao energy station is the world's first 100,000-ton deepwater semi-submersible production and storage platform independently developed and built by China. It is the first semi-submersible platform designed for oil storage globally, with a maximum oil storage capacity of nearly 20,000 cubic meters. The platform integrates condensate production, storage, and export functions, offering significant economic benefits and technological advantages. Its development is of great significance for enhancing China's marine resource development capabilities, ensuring national energy security, and supporting the strategy of building a maritime power.


  “Haikui One“ is Asia's first cylindrical floating production, storage, and offloading (FPSO) facility, designed and constructed by China. It is more compact and efficient in oil storage compared to traditional ship-type structures. “Haikui One“ boasts a robust capacity to endure severe marine conditions, significantly reducing oilfield development and operational costs. The facility is capable of processing approximately 5,600 metric tons of crude oil daily.

  “耕海1号”是宇宙首个智能化大型生态海洋牧场详尽体平台,窒碍了海洋工程、当代海洋牧场、渔业灵敏衍生等鸿沟80余项中枢时刻,是宇宙最大单体衍生水体。同期,“耕海 1 号”最初打造集吃、住、行、游、购、娱于一体的“海上度假详尽体”,搭客不错在此体验钓鱼、品味海鲜好意思食、参与海洋科普活动。

  Genghai No.1, China's inaugural ecological marine ranch platform, has surpassed 80 core technologies in ocean engineering, modern marine ranching, and intelligent aquaculture, boasting the nation's largest single breeding water body. It also leads in developing a holistic marine holiday complex, integrating dining, lodging, transport, sightseeing, retail, and leisure. The complex offers fishing experiences, seafood cuisine, and marine science education activities for visitors.


  Jinghai 001 is Asia's largest deep-sea intelligent cage. Equipped with a 5G communication base station, an ocean data observation system, and an artificial intelligence system, the smart cage serves as an intelligent platform for breeding deep-sea aquatic animals. It is capable of automatic breeding, underwater monitoring, and underwater net cleaning.


  The “Shenlan 1“ is the world's largest intelligent net cage designed for deep-sea aquaculture. This cylindrical structure, equivalent in volume to 40 standard swimming pools and weighing 1,500 metric tons, showcases advanced technologies in design, control systems, shark protection, and intellectual property rights, signifying a major breakthrough in China's research and development of deep-sea aquaculture.


  The “GUO XIN No. 1“ is the world's first 100,000-tonne smart aquaculture vessel, measuring 249.9 meters in length and equipped with 15 breeding cabins that hold a total of nearly 90,000 cubic meters of water. It is designed for breeding fish species such as large yellow croaker and Atlantic salmon, with an anticipated annual output of 3,700 tonnes. The vessel utilizes 2,108 monitoring points for centralized control and real-time monitoring, which allows for a breeding density four to six times greater than traditional cages and can reduce the breeding cycle by over 25%.


  These Mega Projects are a testament to Shandong's remarkable prowess in ocean engineering, with the blue economy sector rising as a beacon of economic growth in the province and beyond, providing substantial support for the advancement of high-quality development.

  案牍:包春玲 刘峥




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